Who We Are
The Halton Catholic Children’s Foundation (HCCF) is an independent charity. We have partnered with the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) to support their students and families in need throughout Halton (Acton, Burlington, Georgetown, Halton Hills, Milton, Oakville). We raise funds to help HCDSB students overcome financial barriers to learning, which helps our students succeed in school.
What We Do
“….whatever you do for the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you do for me…” Matthew 25:40
As a Catholic Community, we are called by Jesus to care for others. We meet this calling by providing Hope, Dignity, and Equity to students and families in need.
We raise funds to help cover costs for:
- Basic necessities, such as food and clothing, school supplies, shoes, eyeglasses, personal hygiene items, and learning technology
- School activities with a fee, such as school trips, team fees, and other learning materials
- HCCF Graduate Award – a bursary for graduating HCDSB students entering post-secondary education (i.e. trades, certificate programs, college, university)
How We Impact Students in Need
Your gift upheld the dignity of every family at a time when poverty’s bite is most keenly felt in our school community.
I am very grateful for the gift card, it has helped me a lot. I have been using food banks which have been amazing but they don’t supply meats or freezer food which I was going without. Thanks to everyone who helped I appreciate it very much.
Students We Have Helped to Date
Money Allocated to Help Students, to Date
Where Do the Students We Have Helped Live?